Effects of spinal cord stimulation on cerebrovascular flow: role of sym-pathetic and parasympathetic innervations Cervical spinal cord stimulation in cerebral palsy 颈髓电刺激增加脑血流的作用机制研究(英文)颈部脊髓硬膜外电刺激治疗脑性瘫痪的临床观察
Objective To observe whether having the direct projections from the diencephalon to lumbosacral Spinal cord in rat and to put forward the morphological evidence to further research that diencephalon directly modulates the sacral parasympathetic nucleus. 目的研究大鼠间脑是否有向腰骶髓的直接投射,为进一步研究间脑对骶副交感核的直接支配提供形态学依据。
NADPH d positive neurons in the lumber, sacral spinal cord of male rats were mainly located in lamina ⅹ, the dorsal gray commissure, sacral parasympathetic nucleus and dorsal horn. NADPH-d阳性神经元在腰、骶髓主要位于中央管周围、后连合核、骶副交感核、背角等部位。